Friday, December 24, 2010

Keeping Christ in Christmas.

Let's not forget the real meaning of Christmas.  Everyone is geared to saying 'it is better to give than to receive' and yet most are looking for a gift.  God has already given the most precious gift of all - His Son, Jesus Christ.  God has blessed each and everyone of us just this morning.  Let us express gratitude for the things He has already given us. Christ is the real meaning of Christmas.  Christ brings hope to a troubled community.  Let's not get caught up in the physical side of Christmas and forget the real meaning of Christ's birth.  Give gifts if you must. Remember moderation.  Be thankful and give something to someone who is unlikely to be in a position to give to you.  Just keeping our mouths shut and a smile might just do the trick.  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

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