Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Botton Line?

Reading the ADS (African Descent Strategy), I ask myself, 'what is the bottom line?' Increase in membership? Increase in giving? If the real motive of this strategy is anything other than discipleship, then it is bound to fail. The real basis of church growth is testimony. Your testimony can be verbal or physical. Whatever form it takes, it must follow the doctrine as laid down in the Bible. Maybe too much hooping and not enough teaching in our congregations. Why teaching? Many of our members just go to church out of habit. Very few overall either attend Sunday School or Bible Study. Where are they learning about the word of God? They cannot spread the Word if they do not know it. They are not in a position to minister to their friends, family, or co-workers when difficult times arise in the workplace. This is when people need help and are brought to church. If the only time the pastor gets to see many members is Sunday morning worship, then maybe he needs to be in a teaching mode rather than a preaching mode. Preach on Bible Study night and do Bible Study during the Sunday morning worship. We have bibles in the pews. Members do not need to be told to follow the readings in the Bible when they are printed in the bulletin. That is real convenient. Still, once they follow the reading that is the end of the Word until next Sunday. Where are our members getting their Word? Many are not getting any Word. When the Word of God begins to work in a person' s life, they will have a testimony that will win souls to Christ. Membership will grow. Giving will increase. Everyone will not be able to get to the altar. Then we will need a strategy dedicated to where everyone will be seated. What a wonderful thought! Let's concentrate on making disciples now! Less planning. More action! Let's do something.

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