Friday, October 5, 2007

You have been invited to help build this blog.

Hello. Surprised? John Cooper and I were invited to build a blog as a result of our meeting on September 29, 2007. Well, I decided to strike while the iron is hot. First, I have never done this before. Still, I have read a few instructions and here I am. Now I need some help on the basics. I am hoping you are willing to make some suggestions for making it look better and say what we want it to say. I am talking about everything from Name, description, colors etc. I would like to have the minimum things worked out before we invite the entire group from Saturday's meeting. We can also expect that other regions will be looking at what we put up. Let's make it good. If you are reading this posting, then you have done something right to get to this blog. I am waiting to see who checks in first. Peace and power.

1 comment:

Gordon said...

Great job!

Its a brave new world.... I have never done this before but can see how it could be of extreme value.
