Wednesday, October 24, 2007

African Descent Strategy

There are several strategies:

The Southeastern Synod's African American/ Black Mission Strategy for outreach can be found at:

This is found on the Southeastern Synod website under Multicultural Commission

In addtion to that we have a National African Descent adopted by the Churchwide Assembly in August 2005 and can be found on the following ELCA Multicultural Ministries Website:

The direct link is


Wes said...

This is great. What we need is to decide on making sure the strategies adopted by individual synods are congruent with the churchwide and if not, to make them congruent. Strategies with differences could end up minimizing the overall effect of any strategy implemented. We really need a core group to push the impementation of this strategy.

Pr. Clark said...

The ELCA is in the process of doing that as we speak. Although, I hear your concern, the approach was the team had all the completed strategies to do their work, so they really gleened from those strategies and then came to common number of priorities. In addition, to not leave out those who did not have strategy J. Carroll and the team went all over the country to gleen additional information, and to see if the strategies and the priorities matched, and so they ended up adding some new ones, and nuanceing some others.

I was blessed to be a part of both processes - Two piece, Visionary Pastoral Leadership, we raised the concern then, that Laity need to be a key component, but this was met with resistance. The second one was the Stewardship piece, in which it talked about Benevolance, and while many, not all congregations give very little, there are a number of them that strive to give 10% + of their benevolence dollars to the Synod and beyond.

I hope this helps. Finally, each synod also must have priorities, for example, Metro Chicago may not have LTCA as a prior, but SE Synod could, because it is on its terriotory and assist them in implementing their strategy. There are other examples like in New York, their Pastor and Lay Academy, in Detroit, their group ACTS in Common, their coalition of urban churches, again, with their particular nees. Again I hope that this is helpful. I serve on EOCM (Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission) Unit African American/Black Strategy Team and the exisiting congregations monitors strategies.