Saturday, November 3, 2007


My sistah's and brothers, this the the first step to getting there. I am intersted in what is happening with some of the issues we discussed in Atlanta along with this one. What is the status of the group that was working on developing the committee of and for young people. Second how is the media spot coming? Hope that we all stay in touch and encourage others to join to share ideas and programs that are successful.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Thanks for the invite. Glad to be a part of the experience.


Thanks For Doing This!

I look forward to learning from all of you as the Blog grows legs and becomes a way for us to communicate.

Fred Black
Holy Trinity - Chapel Hill
NC Synod Council Member

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thanks for the invite. I have thought of becoming a blogger, but never did. I guess I have found a place now to learn.

Bernice Bland akaB2.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

African Descent Strategy

There are several strategies:

The Southeastern Synod's African American/ Black Mission Strategy for outreach can be found at:

This is found on the Southeastern Synod website under Multicultural Commission

In addtion to that we have a National African Descent adopted by the Churchwide Assembly in August 2005 and can be found on the following ELCA Multicultural Ministries Website:

The direct link is

Friday, October 12, 2007

Campus Ministry

Here at Abiding Savior, Durham NC we have been doing Campus Ministry at North Carolina Central University for the past 6 years. We have begun developing a new service learning program modeled after what Reggie Price is doing at Morgan State and have found it to be a great way to make and build relationships with students who are not at all aquainted with "lutheran".

We are looking for funding to be able to hire a part-time campus minister rather than our current method of using semminary Interns. If anyone has any funding source suggestions, please pass them along. Also if you know someone who would be appropriate for the part-time postion, please pass along their name as well. ... Its all about networking.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Electronic Version of ADS

I am looking for two things. First, I would like to know where on the net or electronically is a copy of the African Descent Strategy (ADS). I would like to link it so individuals can refer to it when the actual work begins. As for the executive summary of mission opportunities and goals, I feel the executive summary needs to be on the blog so anyone can quickly see it when they log on. Jaqui, I like your idea of linking. Let's not just stop there. There has got to be other ADS organizations within the ELCA that may be of interest and wish to participate.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Open letter

I truly hope that this will be a vehicle of open and frank discussion with the African Decent Community in Region 9. Wes as soon as you are ready I would like to link this blog on the GA-AALA website and send it out to the chapter members. Congratulations on getting it up and running within weeks of being asked. Thank you for this new tool of ministry and communication.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Be brave.

When you accept the invitation to join the blog, please comment or post to the blog. I am going to erase just about all the posting once we get the hang of how to do things. So, go ahead and try some things. Most of all remember your gmail account and password. If you get locked out and just cannot get back in send me an email at with your problem. I keep saying, lets have fun.

Friday, October 5, 2007

You have been invited to help build this blog.

Hello. Surprised? John Cooper and I were invited to build a blog as a result of our meeting on September 29, 2007. Well, I decided to strike while the iron is hot. First, I have never done this before. Still, I have read a few instructions and here I am. Now I need some help on the basics. I am hoping you are willing to make some suggestions for making it look better and say what we want it to say. I am talking about everything from Name, description, colors etc. I would like to have the minimum things worked out before we invite the entire group from Saturday's meeting. We can also expect that other regions will be looking at what we put up. Let's make it good. If you are reading this posting, then you have done something right to get to this blog. I am waiting to see who checks in first. Peace and power.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Let's Get it going.

Hi folks. This is the best I can do right now. I am working on this blog. I need your assistance to help out with this . Do some postings. Look at the description and lets make some changes.